Saturday, July 21, 2007

On Milan

The problem, of course, with having such a lovely, soul-filling, restful little stretch is that eventually it has to end. And the nearest city to go on to immediately afterward was unfortunately Milan. Honestly, I've never really had much of a desire to see Milan, but I've always sort of felt like I should at some point. It seemed like such a glitzy place, and incredibly mysterious, as I always seem to hear it mentioned but knew really absolutely nothing about it. So I thought, alright, onward to Milan!

The thing is though, for the first time since I stepped off the plane two months ago, the minute I set foot in this city... I couldn't wait to leave. I truly and honestly hated this town. I know that sounds harsh... and the funny thing is I can't give you a good reason for it. The city itself really was a lovely, pretty place. I mean, see for yourself:

It really was just as lovely as any other place... I just hated it. I hated the spirit of it, I hated the feeling of it, and I hated the way people looked at you as you walked down the street. Never have I been in a place that made me feel more... unworthy, somehow. And I just came from Paris! I mean, really... sheesh! So even though I don't think I'll ever be able to put it into words, all I can say was that after two days I was more than ready to hightail it out of there, and on to more friendly parts of Italy.


Alea said...

Try using stream of consciousness maybe? It might give you some insight as to why it was such a strongly negative place for you.

Also...I had been thinking of getting a camera for a while. When it came time to getting one, I figured what better way to research than to actually use one and I had used yours and loved it. I have named mine R2-C2.

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