Here are some images from my day trip wanderings during my last few days in Madrid to the little towns of Toledo and Segovia. Both of these places were musts for me because they were first visited during my introduction to Spain with my family somewhere around ten years ago. There's a rather infamous photo sitting framed on the entry table of my house in Virginia of my mom, my brother and I sitting at a cafe in front of an enormous Roman aqueduct drinking coffee, which was taken in Toledo on that trip. My mission was to go back and see if I could find that spot. I know it sounds a little odd, but secretly I wanted to revisit the physical place where, because of that picture, my memory of my childhood is centered. You know that one page in your favorite book that just falls open automatically now because you've turned to it so many times? That's what that one photo crystallized for me... the moment I remember myself at my most pure, most whole, most joyous, most un-messed-around-with by all of that growing up stuff. I wanted to physically stand at that spot. I don't really know what I thought would happen... something involving lightning bolts probably crossed my mind at some point I'm sure though.
The funny thing is... when I actually made the trek and sat in the cafe... I didn't really feel like anything had changed. I'm not sure what that means or if it really has to mean anything at all, but anyway, it was a lovely day.
Here are some stray images from those few days of village wandering.

Hooray! Today my computer at work is letting me see the pictures!
And hey -- what are you writing for if not to influence something/someone/somewhere?? ;)
i love you! keep telling me everything!!
You make me wish I was back in Europe ... or that I'd spent a MUCH longer time than I did there back in January. I wouldn't have believed it without going, but the villages LOOK different there. The houses are built differently.
In fact, I may not really have believed Europe existed at all.
Pictures 3, 6, and 7 pretty much visually depict all the charm I'd associate with someplace not American. Meaning, I want to go there someday. Gorgeous.
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