And really. can you blame me? It really is jaw-droppingly beautiful.
But everything I´ve read and heard about the city said to get in, see the Guggenheim, and get the heck out as fast as you could. Everyone I´ve consulted touted it as a dingy, grimy, filthy one horse town with only the museum to recommend it. All I can say is... they must´ve been smokin´something awful.

I´m not sure whether I loved it so much because it was my first stop and I always tend to fall in love with the first place I see, or because it beat my expectations to a bloodly pulp, but either way I fell hard. Small enough to be charming, modern enough to be sofisticated, and overall an incredibly dignified place. I don´t think I saw one piece of trash on the ground, and I don´t really think they would have stood for it if there were.
(Please excuse the badness of these pictures... it´s been overcast and I haven´t had photoshop to do even a basic round of clean up. The quality gets better with the ones in Madrid, I swear.)
My time at this computer is almost up, but I´ll head back in later tonight because I´ve been snapping pictures here in Madrid all day, and I can´t wait to share them with yáll.
Hasta Luego!
Janene Twinkle Toes!
I am so proud of you and love you so much. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Just have fun, OK?
Neat! Looks like you're going to have a really fun trip! I can't remember if it's Madrid or Barcelona that has a really cool Cathedral... If you find you have a little excess time in the UK at the end drop me a line?
Have fun!
And she's off and running. It's so cool to see you stepping out into the unknown, uncomfortable, and exciting.
I pray that God would astound and meet you in amazing ways, and that you'd find pieces of yourself all over Europe you didn't know were missing. Blessings and I'm loving the pictures, I feel like I'm there with you, even if I'm not. Love ya, can't wait for the next update.
I'm thrilled that you discovered a new city to add to the "list"
We'll have to go back and explore someday. We'll just make up a reason to shop for Maven & Co. and we'll write the whole thing off! ha!
Enjoy yourself! Tons of love, mom
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